How to use a helmet lock

How to Use a Helmet Lock? – Ultimate Guide 

Helmet locks are game changers in securing your precious and expensive helmets from thieves and other threats. Since there are different types of helmet locks in the market today, it can be tricky when it comes down to how to use one. So how to use a helmet lock? It is quite the question, isn’t it? 

We are here to remove your burden and provide the clarity you need. 

This article will transition you into a bike helmet lock guru. We will discuss everything from types of helmet locks to when and how to use them. 

Let’s get into it! 

Where to Install a Motorcycle Helmet Lock? 

You can own a motorcycle helmet lock but still end up not protecting your helmet. 

Know why? 

Because you might be unaware of where exactly to lock the helmet. 

The location you choose to lock your helmet is essential as it can elevate and demote security. 

So what is/ are the perfect locations to install a motorcycle helmet lock? 

  • Handlebars

 Handlebars are the most common and perfect place to plant your helmet lock. 

Keep the visors open and carefully lock your helmet in the middle part of the handlebars, so it doesn’t slide off. 

Locking your helmet lock in the handlebars keeps the helmet safe and favors your convenience. 

Think about it, isn’t it convenient to retrieve your helmet off the handlebars rather than from somewhere else? Exactly! 

  • Passenger Pegs 

Passenger pegs are a common spot to install a helmet lock. But beware of the surrounding. 

Is it a crowded, busy place? Choose another location to lock the helmet.

But if you are confident of the surrounding (common sense will help), you can install the helmet into the passenger pegs. It will sit there safe and sound until you retrieve it. 

  • Seat 

Detachable seats provide an ultimate safe home for your helmets. 

You can open your seat (only if it is detachable, or you will end up ripping off the seat) and put your helmet in, install the helmet lock and close the seat. 

Finish your business and retrieve the helmet back. 

It is safe from the outer world since nobody will be able to see the helmet (a pretty good hideout from the thieves) 

  • Mirror 

The mirror is also a great place to install a helmet lock. 

All you need to do is put the mirror right through the helmet’s chin bar and use the handlebar as its support. Install the helmet lock. 

Now your helmet is with a safeguard on it. 

You can lock two helmets using the mirror since there are two little mirrors. 

Different Types of Motorcycle Helmet Locks

The commercial market is fast growing. 

So there are numerous types of motorcycle helmet locks out there. You would have to stand puzzled and confused about what to choose if you do not have the right idea about each of them. 

We are here to save you, though. 

Let us discuss different types of motorcycle helmet locks that are popular in the market. 

Follow us below. 

  • U locks 

U locks are very popular. They are also equally excellent. 

U locks have a “U” shape. (Lives up to the name) 

They come in either a single-bar or double-bar option. 

Double bar U locks provide more robust protection than single bar locks. 

However, U locks are highly preferred by riders as they are strong and unbendable. They also cannot be opened by bolt cutters, screwdrivers, and you name it. (Any other similar tool) 

  • Cable Locks 

Cable locks are a cheaper option when compared with U locks. 

Moreover, they are also effortless to install. 

Cable locks wrap around both sides of the helmet and provide maximum protection. 

However, the downside is that these cable locks can be cut using bolt cutters. 

But they hold the helmets tight and lock them safely to the motorcycles. 

  • Chain Locks 

Motorcycle chain locks are specially made for children’s bikes. (But no, they do not have Barbie and superman pictures etched) 

You can use a chain lock on your helmet to safely secure it. 

Chain locks are made of heavy-duty steel, and thus they provide better protection. 

They also come in different lengths. 

And they aren’t the cheapest option. But they sure do a good job. Chain locks are also hard to cut through with external tools.

However, sometimes it can get hard to lock a helmet using chain locks as some parts may be unable to get through the motorcycle parts. (It needs quite some space).

But if that is not an issue in your case, they make a good helmet lock. 

  • Padlocks 

You heard that right. You can use a padlock to lock your motorcycle helmets as well. 

There are various types of padlocks in the market. 

You can choose the one that meets your standards. (We recommend selecting a high-strength padlock since you will be using it to lock an expensive helmet) 

How to Use a Helmet Lock? 

It is a no-brainer! 

We have discussed different types of motorcycle helmet locks and where to install them. 

How you install them depends on the type of lock you will use. 

However, all locks use the exact mechanism when summarized. 

Place your helmet correctly, turn the lock as needed, and lock to click. And you are good to go. 

Your helmet will rest safe and sound until you get back to it. 

But there is one thing you should keep in mind and should never do. 

Do not ever lock your helmet on the ground. There are countless reasons why. 

But in a nutshell, it will not end up in any good. 

Only drawbacks. Why purchase drawbacks on our own will? So, avoid using your helmet lock to lock your helmet on the ground. 


Helmets are life savers. And so are helmet locks! Helmet locks secure your helmet soundly, as you cannot become its personal bodyguard 24/7. Different types of helmet locks in the market will help you attain the task. Go for a lock that suffices your requirements and preferences. 

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